Top 5 Oddball Fish For Your Freshwater Aquarium

This article covers the top 5 oddball fish according to Aqaurium Co-Op

5. Butterfly Fish

This fish belongs to the bony tongue family and swims at the top of the tank. Like Arwana, that giant trapdoor of a mouth opens up and swallows almost everything that fits its mouth. 

You can get them used to frozen-dried food, pellet, and other food if you are lucky. However, they will eat smaller fish. Therefore you need to be careful with them.

Also, since they do not have a defense mechanism, they can beat on. So, they sit at the top of the tank like a leaf and stuff.

But, they can be a great addition to your oddball tank where there is many big fish.

4. Peacock Eel

This fish loves to hang out is a sand substrate or in a cave. A lot of time, you will also see them hanging on the leaves of the aquarium plants.

Since they are jumpers, it is important to have a tight-fitting lid.

Overall, it is a great fish if you want to have something to hunt around for. It will not eat other smaller fish, won't beat upon it, and it tends to the hideout.

So, a great little oddball to keep in your oddball tank

3. Flagtail Prochilodus

It is a good-sized algae-eating fish. Though it can also survive on pellets, it gets that crazy tool and would not be beaten up on another fish.

Doesn't get beat up by anything either. So, it fits that giant oddball community tank.

2. Reticulated Hillstread Loaches

These fishes look like alien organisms, but they happen to be a great algae eater. Looks like a miniature stingray. 

You can keep them in tropical temperatures. They come in a wide variety of patterns to choose from. 

1. Amazon Puffers

These are absolutely beautiful fish and get about three inches by the end of their life span.

They stay happy and healthy in the tank as long as you can get them to eat. Snails are an integral part of their diet. However, you want to make sure that they don't get beat up by the other tank mates.

Wrapping Up

So, that was the list of the top five oddball fishes to add to your tank. However, before adding any of the above variables to your tank, it is important to conduct thorough online research about the fish's care requirements, diet, compatibility, and more.





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