Care Tips for ClownFish.
- Jun 21, 2020
- Vikram Rajiwade
- 16210 0 0
Since the release of a particular children's film that I can mention the name of. Clownfish have become incredibly popular and sought after aquarium fish. In fact, when that movie was released. There was a huge surge in the industry of new hobbyists getting into the hobby to keep marine or saltwater aquariums. In fact, those that didn't want to keep those occurrences intimidating went over to freshwater. In general that the movie is responsible for all kinds of new aquarium owners.
We will go over what you need to know to keep clownfish happy and healthy, specifically ocellaris clownfish since Nemo was modeled after them.
First off, clownfish are marine fish. Before you get all disappointed and get a freshwater aquarium because you think marine aquariums are too hard. Clownfish aquariums are extremely basic. You don't have to get fancy with them. All you have to worry about is learning the new skill of how to measure the salt content that you're going to be adding to the water. So that's it's, it is almost the same as a freshwater aquarium. Well very close at least. You just also have to know how to add salt and pick a different substrate, but beyond that, it's a cakewalk. It's not hard.
You can set up a super simple saltwater aquarium using a 20-gallon tank, which would be perfect for a clownfish or a pair of clownfish.
How Difficult is it to Keep a Clownfish
First, let's talk about difficulty. They're not difficult to keep. The Oscillaris Clownfish is a super hardy fish, almost exclusively captive-bred now. Captive-bred fish are easier to keep because they were raised in an aquarium to start with. So they are already used to an aquarium setting which allows them to adapt to home aquarium easier.
So you pick the best beginner fish for salt aquariums, good job! Because they are so easily bred in captivity, clownfish now come in a staggering array of different patterns and morphs. So, if the traditional white and orange bars, isn't quite snazzy enough for your tastes have a look at an artistic DaVinci clownfish, or how about a Gladiator Clownfish? Prefer something more risque, look no further, check out the Naked Ocellaris "ooh la la". Are you drawn to the dark side, check out the Black Ocellaris Clownfish but do not let it consume you "can you feel its power". Anyways, you get the point there are lots of clownfish to choose from.
Clownfish Aquarium Setup
So what kind of aquarium is required to hold one of these majestic beasts in your home? Well, Oscillaris Clownfish get about 3 inches long as adults. So for a single cloud or a bonded pair, you want at least a 20-gallon aquarium. Keep in mind that if you go a bit larger, let's say around 30 gallons, it'll take longer for the fish to foul the water, and you will ultimately have an easier time keeping the parameter stable. Also, more space for a tank mates if you so choose to add another fish, do make sure it's not another clownfish though because they don't quite get along so well with a third wheel or fourth wheel or fifth wheel, I think you get the idea. They don't like wheels.
As far as decorations and things that you can add to the aquarium there is the natural live rock (or clean dead reef rock), plastic plants, corals and the sky's the limit.
Next, up let's talk parameters because a part of keeping clownfish happy healthy is providing an environment they will thrive in.
Water Parameters for Clownfish
Clownfish come from tropical waters and will do best if kept around 76 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. They can also do quite well with the salinity (fancy word for the saltiness of the water) anywhere from 1.020 up to 1.026 specific gravity. The standard pH for marine tanks is around 8.1 to 8.4, and clownfish will do just fine within that range. As for carbonate hardness or alkalinity, they're quite flexible and will feel comfy anywhere from about 7 to 12 Dkh.
They are particularly sensitive to nitrates. So even if you let them creep up a bit, as long as they stay below 20 PPM the Oscillaris Clownfish should be just fine.
What do Clownfish Eat
So what's on the menu for your clownfish, you say? What do you offer to them? Clownfish aren't picky eaters. They're omnivorous (meaning that they eat plants and meat) and readily accept anything from marine formula flakes and pellets to frozen meaty foods and even sheets of seaweed, they'll eat almost anything you offer them. That's great news. It makes it super easy, it is suggested to feed them a good variety of food to keep them healthy. I usually use a staple marine pellet food (garlic enhanced) fish food and then frozen mices on occasionally as a treat.
How often should they be feed
So how often should clownfish eat? You can feed them once daily or break up the feeding into two smaller portions spread throughout the day. If you break up the foods, you can easily feed pellets in the morning and flakes in the afternoon, then once or twice a week feed them frozen mices shrimp. They should eat all of the food you put in the aquarium within minutes, if there is any leftover food, feed less food next time to avoid wasted food that will break down in the aquarium, and pollute the water, which can cause excess nitrates. If you're going to feed your clown once a day, you can feed small amounts of food for a total of three minutes. That way, they have an excellent opportunity to get lots of food into their system and stock up those tummies for the day.
Do Clownfish Require Anemones
It's a common misconception that clownfish have to have corals or anemones in the aquarium with them for them to thrive. That is simply not true. Coral and anemones will only complicate the whole process of keeping clownfish. Having to learn how to keep corals plus the additional hardware requirements for flow and proper lighting can be challenging and more expensive. You don't have to do that. Clownfish are going to be just as happy and thrive in your aquarium even without corals and anemones.
Most captive-bred clownfish were bred and raised in tanks, and they've never seen an anemone in their life. So they don't mind, so do not feel bad about not having an anemone in your tank. Also, know that not all clownfish will host with anemones and some clownfish species will only host with specific anemones. They're going to love your tank with or without corals and anemones, they won't care. They just want you to love them.
Beyond that, caring for clownfish is extremely straightforward, test the water periodically as you would on any aquarium and do regular water changes.
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