Elegance Coral: complete care guide

The Elegance Coral is beautiful; it is an LPS coral, which's not that tough to take care of. So, let's look deeper into this beautiful coral:

PRICES: You will typically have to spend about $60-$100. The price depends upon the size and colors they have got over themselves.

CARE LEVEL: It is not a beginner's coral but also not the one that needs the only expert. It requires reasonable care, which people keeping coral for some time can quickly get them.

TEMPERATURE: You want to keep it stable at 78-degrees; they prefer to be on the warmer side.

dKH: 8-12

pH: 8.1-8.4

SALINITY: 1.023-1.024

COLORS: They have a bunch of colors variation; body-wise, they come in different kind of shades of greens and blues. The price is mainly decided by what color their tips are. Most of the time, you will see them either pink to purple.

DIET: These corals each a bunch of different things, so it is recommended to feed them different pellets types. On top of that, they have a bunch of other corals that you can drop on them. You can also offer them little pieces of shrimps, just like in anemone and oysters feeds are another good one you can squirt on your powerhead and it will get down there to them.

ORIGIN: Australia is the only place where you can get them.

VENOMOUS: They are just like an Anemone; those little tentacles on them will sting things near them, so make sure you give them plenty of room to expand out because whenever you get them, they can shrink up to as big as their rock is up. Whenever they expand out, they get twice their size.

PLACEMENT: Normally, it is recommended to keep putting these corals at the bottom, mainly because whenever they get big, they will shocking everything around. So, if you glue them up to rock in the middle of your tank, you will undoubtedly run into some problems. So, just put them in the sand at the bottom.

CURRENT: Some high current and shallow current, both work perfectly for these corals. The current depends on just what you want them to look like.

TANK SIZE: Tank size does not matter for these corals, but it is not recommended to put a foot-long Elegance coral in a 10-gallon tank.

Make Sure

Make sure to keep your calcium and KH up. You really will be fine with these corals as long as you will be doing water changes every once in a while. If you have Clownfish in your tank, it would not be weird seeing your Clownfish hosting these corals.

Also, make sure to put them away from other corals in the tank because they do sting other corals. You can put two elegant coral beside each other because they would not sting each other.

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