4 Reasons Why People Love Reef Tanks

There are a ton of subtle pleasures in the reef aquarium hobby that you don't first realize, but what makes the hobby awesome.

So, here are the top 4 common favorites of every reefer:

4. Crystal clear water

When you go to your local fish shop, the first thing you will notice is just how sparkling and gin clear the saltwater tanks look. It gives the impression that your fishes are floating in thin air and reminds us of beachy holidays.

You can further magnify the effect by using activated carbon to polish your water. It is often said that nothing good happens quickly in a reef tank, but putting activated carbon in your tank will immediately impact and make it look dramatically better in the space of a couple of hours.

Some might think it is weird to get so much pleasure out of the water and not the inhabitants, but there's something magical about crystal clear water, and it doesn't hurt that your corals and fishes look awesome.

3. Never-ending challenge

You first want to start with the beginner-friendly fish like clownfish which are stunning, and then you quickly move on to quirky investments like snails, hermit crabs, and starfish before graduating onto your soft fish corals. 

When you have mastered your soft corals, you then graduate onto LPS corals and eventually onto SPS corals, and after two years, when you have got through all of that, you can then advance to more difficult fishes and corals.

But it doesn't end there, and when you go beyond that, you are in the realms of perfecting the art and making your corals look their absolute best. And the art of perfecting a reef tank like that takes years, and the longer you are in the hobby, the more you realize you don't know.

The challenge and depth of the hobby make it so interesting and always keep you coming back for more.

It is impossible to get bored of the hobby as you are always on the journey; that is the best part.

2. The rewards when you get it right

When you start the hobby, you can struggle even to keep the corals alive. That can be incredibly frustrating, but as you grow, learn, and develop your talents and skills, you see the reward in front of your eye.

You might have unsightly algae or even dull corals in your tanks for months or even years. But, when you finally deal with that and then implement the changes that lead to your corals looking more healthy and vibrant, satisfaction is truly immense.

As you move forth, you will also learn to spot things when going wrong and know what to do to fix them. Beyond that, when you get to know your tank well, you'll see the changes in your tank when your nutrients increase, which will tell you that you have to do something to bring them back down and get your corals looking their best again.

The rewards of your knowledge and input are immediate.

1. The reefing community

It might be because it is a niche hobby, or maybe because it is the kind of hobby that attract people interested in caring for animals.

But, whatever the reason, you meet the nicest people. Whether that is chatting to other customers or staff in your local fish shop, buying and selling corals frags from fellow hobbyists, or large-scale events.

In some hobbies, people want to protect their skills and horde knowledge, but that is not the case in reef keeping, and people are only too happy to share how they have been successful and try to help you be successful in your journey.








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