• Name:

    Goliath Tigerfish

    (View AKA's)
  • Family: Alestidae
  • Species: Characins
  • Scientific Name: Hydrocynus goliath
More Details

Also Know As:

| Giant Tigerfish

| Mbenga

General info about Goliath Tigerfish

The Goliath Tigerfish, also known as Mbenga, is a large, predatory freshwater fish native to the Congo River Basin in Africa. These fish can grow up to 5 feet (150 cm) in length and weigh up to 110 pounds (50 kg). They are known for their large, sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which allow them to prey on a variety of fish species, including other large fish and even small crocodiles. In terms of keeping Goliath Tigerfish in an aquarium, they are not recommended for beginners or casual aquarium hobbyists due to their large size and aggressive nature. They require a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space, hiding places, and strong filtration to handle their waste.

Goliath Tigerfish Diet & Nutrition

Goliath Tigerfish are carnivorous and require a diet of live or frozen meaty foods such as fish, shrimp, and worms. It is important to ensure that their diet is varied and nutritionally balanced to maintain their health.

Determining Sex of Goliath Tigerfish

There is limited information available on how to determine the sex of Goliath Tigerfish. It is likely that sexing these fish requires experience and a trained eye.

Breeding & Spawning Goliath Tigerfish

Breeding and spawning information for Goliath Tigerfish is limited, but it is believed that they are egg-scatterers and require specific conditions to successfully reproduce in captivity.

Common Diseases with Goliath Tigerfish

Common diseases that can affect Goliath Tigerfish include bacterial infections, parasitic infestations, and fungal infections. Maintaining good water quality and providing a healthy diet can help prevent these diseases from occurring.

Goliath Tigerfish Origin

Goliath Tigerfish are native to the Congo River Basin in Africa.

Caution with Goliath Tigerfish

Goliath Tigerfish are not recommended for beginners or casual aquarium hobbyists due to their large size and aggressive nature.

Acclimating Goliath Tigerfish

When introducing Goliath Tigerfish to a new aquarium, it is important to acclimate them slowly over several hours to prevent stress and shock.

Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Goliath Tigerfish Characins Alestidae Hydrocynus goliath The Goliath Tigerfish, also known as Mbenga, is a large, predatory freshwater fish native to the Congo River Basin in Africa. These fish can grow up to 5 feet (150 cm) in length and weigh up to 110 pounds (50 kg). They are known for their large, sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which allow them to prey on a variety of fish species, including other large fish and even small crocodiles. In terms of keeping Goliath Tigerfish in an aquarium, they are not recommended for beginners or casual aquarium hobbyists due to their large size and aggressive nature. They require a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space, hiding places, and strong filtration to handle their waste. PalaciosAn

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