The Candy Cane Coral/ Trumpet Coral: All you need to know

The Candy Cane Coral is also known as Trumpet Coral, is a beginner friendly coral, that everyone can take care of because it is very hardy and can survive the mistakes that most beginners tend to make.

PRICES: You would not need to spend more than $15 for one frag of this coral. The bigger one will definitely cost more, but it is a budget-friendly coral.

CARE LEVEL: They are super easy to take care of, and is one of the best coral to start with.

TEMPERATURE: You want to keep it from 72-78, it is recommended to keep them stable at 78-degrees.

dKH: 8-12

pH: 8.1-8.4

SALINITY: 1.023-1.025

COLORS: Neon green is the most common one you can find, there are some variations where the color is more blueish-green, and some with red-purple surrounding them with a nice green center.

DIET: Other than just feeding off the light and the nutrients in the water, you can feed them pellets. It's a really good thing to spot feed. You can also feed them something a little meatier, like Mysis shrimps. You will sea feeder tentacles coming out whenever you are feeding them, a lot of times when you see that, then it is the best time to throw something to eat.

A lot of times the feeder tentacles also come out at night so, if you really want them to grow, feed them at night. They are a very fast growing LPS coral, especially when you feed them.

ORIGIN: They pretty much all are aquaculture, if you were to revert get one from the wild, then they will probably form Australia or Indonesia area. But pretty much every one of them in the tanks is aquaculture

VENOMOUS: They are not venomous, but they will get stung by other corals. So, make sure to put them in a spot where they can not be hit by others.

PLACEMENT: These corals tend to do best in the middle of the tank, or the lower parts of the tank. If you put them at the top, they will shrivel-off a little bit, lots of light is not great for them, nor is too dim. So, the middle sections go best for them.

CURRENT: It is recommended to keep in medium current, even low, it helps them really expand out and look huge while they are catching food. But you definitely want to put some current on them to make sure that they are grabbing food. 

TANK SIZE: Tank Size doesn't matter for these corals, but just make sure that you are putting enough nutrients in the water for them to thrive.

FRAGGING: Whenever you are feeding these corals you will notice a new head popping out, they grow pretty quickly. They will end up growing two little mouths beside each other and then they will split, and gradually you will have a colony of these corals.

So, this is all that you need to know about these corals, they are an excellent coral to start with and also best for those who want fast-growing, quickly spreading corals. So do give these corals a try!








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