How to Propagate Your Aquarium Carpet Step by Step

Buying a healthy carpeting plant can be expensive. But don't worry because here we are showing you how to grow at almost no cost. This is how to propagate carpeting plants.

For this article, we'll be focusing on Monte Carlo. 

The best way to propagate it is to use a special container for plant propagation. But you don't really need to have one. You can also use common plastic containers or empty plastic cups.


Start by filling the container with river sand. It is not mandatory, but it can be done to raise the plant a bit so it will be easier for them to reach the light. And the second reason can be to let the plants anchor themselves towards the sand a little bit, as it will make them heavier and easier to plant in the future. 


In the next step, cover the sand with a thin layer of substrate. This will be the source of nutrients for the plants. You don't need to add a lot, just cover the sand evenly, and it will be okay. 


Now you are ready to plant your carpet. Because Monte is an in-vitro plant, we need to prepare it first. So, open the cup, place the entire plant in water, and simply wash all of the gel. After the agent is gone, divide the plan into smaller pieces, and we are finally ready for planting.

Luckily, you don't have to be very accurate. The plants will not go anywhere. They'll not float or be moved by any of the fishes. So, just spread it evenly in your container, and we are done.

You'll start to notice some of the plants will melt and rot. This means the plants are ready to be taken into the in-vetro cup. 

Spray Water

As a final step, you need to spray it with water. Ensure the entire plant and substrate are visibly covered in water. After you are done, place the cover of the container. This will keep the moisture in the container all the time, and it works with other containers and plants as well.


Now, place the box under a strong light. You can simply put the box in directly under your already set up tank light. Occasionally check on the plant and spray it with water to save it from drying out, and in a few weeks, you're carpeting plant will be ready for your aquariums.

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