• Name:

    Squareback Anthias

    (View AKA's)
  • Family: Serranidae
  • Species: Anthias
  • Scientific Name: Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
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Also Know As:

| Squarespot Anthias

| Square Anthias

| Mirror Anthias

| Purple Blotch Basslet

| Squareblock Anthias

| Pink Square Anthias

| Striped Anthias

| Square-spot Anthias

General info about Squareback Anthias

The Squareback Anthias (Pseudanthias pleurotaenia) is a popular saltwater aquarium species due to its vibrant coloration and active swimming behavior. It has a compressed body with a distinctive square-shaped tail, which gives it its common name. The males of this species are typically larger and more brightly colored than the females. They can reach a maximum size of up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length.

Squareback Anthias Diet & Nutrition

In the wild, Squareback Anthias feed primarily on zooplankton. In captivity, they should be fed a varied diet of frozen or live foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, and other small crustaceans.

Determining Sex of Squareback Anthias

Males of this species are typically larger and more brightly colored than females.

Breeding & Spawning Squareback Anthias

Squareback Anthias are known to spawn in the wild, but breeding them in captivity can be difficult. They are hermaphroditic, meaning that they have both male and female reproductive organs, and can change sex in response to environmental cues.

Common Diseases with Squareback Anthias

Like all aquarium species, Squareback Anthias are susceptible to various diseases, including bacterial infections, parasites, and fungal infections. It's important to maintain good water quality and monitor the fish for signs of illness.

Squareback Anthias Origin

The Squareback Anthias is found in the western Pacific Ocean, from Japan to the Philippines, and south to Australia.

Caution with Squareback Anthias

Squareback Anthias are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community aquarium with other non-aggressive species. However, they may become aggressive towards other anthias species, especially during feeding. They also require good water quality and a well-established aquarium.

Acclimating Squareback Anthias

When introducing Squareback Anthias to a new aquarium, it's important to acclimate them slowly to the new environment. This can be done by floating the bag containing the fish in the aquarium for 15-20 minutes to allow the water temperatures to equalize, then slowly adding small amounts of aquarium water to the bag over a period of an hour or two before finally releasing the fish into the aquarium.
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Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Squareback Anthias Anthias Serranidae Pseudanthias pleurotaenia The Squareback Anthias (Pseudanthias pleurotaenia) is a popular saltwater aquarium species due to its vibrant coloration and active swimming behavior. It has a compressed body with a distinctive square-shaped tail, which gives it its common name. The males of this species are typically larger and more brightly colored than the females. They can reach a maximum size of up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length. PalaciosAn

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