Everything you should know before you get a Betta! 7 Tips for keeping Betta in an Aquarium

When it comes to taking care of Bettas, a lot of time, the message gets convoluted about the best ways to take care of Bettas. In this article, we'll give you the tools to take care of Betas in the longer term and give it the best possible life. 


A lot of times, people like keeping their Bettas in the Jars and Bowls. But it would help if you had at least a 5-gallon tank for the fish to thrive. Will a Betta survive in a bowl or container? Yes, but long term, it will not be the best thing for that fish.

Don't Overfeed

Don't overfeed your Bettas. Bettas are absolute scrubs and can eat massive amounts of food when given the opportunity. But, they are prone to Dropsy, a bacterial reaction that results in form overfeeding.

So, never feed them more than amount. 

Add Botanicals

Many people don't know, but Bettas are like Blackwater fish. And, we can replicate them with the out tank by adding botanicals. 

You can add Indian Almond leaves, and it works best.

Add a Hammock

Betta loves chilling out. They might want to rest when they are not swimming around and exploring the aquarium. And, it is best to give them somewhere natural to rest than just grabbing the floor on the bottom of your tank. 

You don't want your Betta to swim around all the time. But you do want them to thrive in quite a low-flow aquarium.

Good Community Fish

Bettas are a great community fish. But, they are only aggressive towards other Bettas. So, you can't keep two Bettas together, even with female sororities.

So, add tankmates to your Betta tank to keep them active and happy. Some good options include Micro Rasboras and Danios; even some Neon Tetras would be grand. So, do your research and keep this micro fish that you can with your Bettas.


People keep Bettas in relatively more relaxed environments, but its' not significant. However, it impacts their immunity, metabolism, and overall health.

Always bump up your Betta to 26-27 degrees Celcius. 

Add a Lid

Many people keep their aquarium without a lid, and Bettas are jumpers. They get around those pools in Thailand by jumping from collection to pool.

So, make sure you always have a lid on your tank.


Make sure your aquarium does not have a very high flow. Bettas are like stagnant water. But a little bit of flow does help them, but we don't want a lot of turbulence in the tank.

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