5 Reasons Your Aquarium Looks Cloudy (And how to fix it!)

Do you have cloudy water in your aquarium? So, here are a few reasons why your aquarium water is muddy and how to remedy it.

In some situations, cloudy water is not bad, and it might be something beneficial that we will cover. But, regardless, for most people, it's unsightly; you don't want to look into your beautiful aquarium at your home and not be able to see the fish, plants, and inhabitants because the water is not clear.

Algae Bloom

Algae bloom is when you look into your aquarium, and the water is green. Sometimes it's also faint, or it could also be very dark and soupy. 

Having green water, in general, is not harmful. However, it can feed microorganisms and baby fish; it could have some medicinal qualities to certain fish and also help them feel a little bit safer because they can hide in the water.

Think of algae like a single-celled plant, and when you have algae bloom, they are like microorganisms of algae floating around in the water column this, blocking sight.

It can also block light, so if you have aquarium plants and the water might be very green, your water might not get enough sunlight. So, you do want to address that.

Algae needs two main things to survive that is light and nutrients. So, start by reducing both. For example, don't place your tank in direct sunlight; turn off the tank's light. 

The algae-causing excess nutrients can come from excess food, a lot of fish waste, if you are not doing water changes, organic breakdown of leaves, and plant matter. So, make sure you are not overfeeding and make sure you are up on your maintenance.

Here are a few ways to remedy the algae bloom:

Significant water change: remove as many algae from the tank as possible.

UV Sterilizer: A UV sterilizer is a device plugged into the wall and used in UV rays. These UV rays neutralize the algae, not allowing them to create more.

Bacteria Bloom

In most cases, with newer aquariums, you will see it, and it's a good indication that your aquarium is getting ready to add fish.

Your aquarium may not have enough beneficial bacteria to address the current load in the aquarium. So, you have a big bloom of beneficial bacteria replicating itself to handle the additional nitrogen in your aquarium.

It is usually the case when you are setting up a new tank. Or it could be that you change something like you established beneficial bacteria has something happened to it, a bunch of it died down, and now the tank is trying to ramp back up and get back to the levels it needs to be.

When you see a bacteria bloom happening in your aquarium, leave it alone; it is run its course, and eventually, it will dissipate after a week or two, and things will go back to normal.

This is a sign of a healthy aquarium. So, if you see bacteria bloom, don't do a water change; wait a couple of weeks, and it should be gone.

Organic Waste

This could include things like Tannins. In a lot of cases, people like to have them in the tank, and it is suitable for certain types of fish.

But you don't want to see that kind of tank for most.

You'll also see fish waste, rotting plant material, uneaten fish food, and things floating around in the aquarium.

You want to ensure that your filter is not clogged and that you are up on maintenance. Do water changes and gravel vacuuming.

Another reason why you might be seeing them is that you don't have a way to filter away those fine particles through your filtration. So, there are a few, and you can use these different filters.

So, buy a piece of polyester filling, then make a big roll and then cut them into pieces, and use these in various filters. Or you might also do something like a sponge pre-filter. 

All fish foods are made differently, and once the fish have communed the food, and they've gotten all the necessary nutrients out of that food, they will pass the waste, and if that food has a lot of fillers, you might see that in your aquarium.

So, in that case, start to look for waste-free fish food. You can use a chemical clarifier that would attract waste particles, clump them up, and vacuum them out later.


Fishes forging, digging, and sifting through the substrate will always be kicking that substrate up. Som eventually.

So if you have a fish tank that is always cloudy no matter what you do, then you can add a second filter just for polishing, or you can change out the substrate, or you might want to move those fishes out of the aquarium and into different situations where they are not going to cause the same mess.


Filters come in all different shapes and sizes. But some do better than others when removing particles from the water. 

So, for gray tanks, do look into other types of filters that can better clean for you, or add a secondary filter where its primary focus is polishing the particles out of the aquarium water.

Glass and Acrylic Surfaces

Maybe it is not your water but your glass and Acrylic surfaces. In that case, you want to clean your glass. Make sure you clean both the inside and the outside.

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