5 Aquarium Tips and Trick to Save You Time

An automatic Timer

Get yourself an automatic timer. This only saves a little bit of time each day, but it helps your tank grow fewer algae; your fishes will be used to it when the lights come on; they know the routine. Also, you will get a minor injury from them being less spooked because it's expected.

It just takes 20 minutes to install once, and then you'll get the added benefit for years. Therefore, long savings for a very minimal investment.

Use a Pump

When it comes to water changes, use a pump to pump the water out. If it is not the time for a gravel vacuum, pump the water so it moves faster or gets yourself a giant diameter hose.

One of the best things about the pump is that you get to drop it in the aquarium, and you can be scrapping algae, and it will suck it straight into the pump and be working while you are working.

Get a Coarse Net

When setting up a tank, a lot of time, you'll have to wash a  lot of substrates because it is pretty dirty. So, to save you time, get coarse green nets. Then, get a scoop and some gravel in there, rise it under the sink, let all that run through, then dump it into the bucket.

Keep doing that because it is way faster than putting all the substrate into the bucket and then putting a hose and letting it run. Because it is not mixed, you get a lot of pockets that don't get clean; dump it in the aquarium, fill it back up, and it's cloudy again.

So, you can save a lot of time, especially if you add crushed coral.

Clean up Crew

Embrace algae eaters, snails, and shrimps. All of these guys will save you time. Fewer algae were scrubbing, and less dirt was building up in the filter. They are little hired servants in your aquarium that are giant clean all the time—24 hours a day for you.

So, they save a lot of time and energy plus you can enjoy them anyway.

Do fewer water changes

How to do more occasional water changes?

Stock less fish. Downsize as much as you can to spend more time enjoying and working less. 

Many people may think that more filtration will make things easier. It will give you more leeway, but people end up reading it more.

To know more, check out this video from Aquarium CoOp:

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